Children do and must change our lives – the same applies for creative projects. Imagine if we tried to keep our lives the same while our children grew! It's interesting to me to see my creative work projects as like children. It means they're a big commitment and one that I must surrender to. If I don't they will not flourish and may even die. No-one will condemn me if I let a project die. It's my choice. So I need to be sure that the creative projects I take on are ones that I really feel are the right ones for me. Once I decide a project is mine to create I need to surrender to meeting its needs - at the same time as I take care of “my” needs - just like with 'real' children. This will take sacrifices and big stretches and I will find and develop in myself new and exciting capacities as my creative project “children” ask me to become a greater human being. Becoming a great human being is the greatest creative project of all and the ultimate purpose of all our creative projects. I hope that excites you as much as it excites me! We can and must love our creative work projects, like they are our children, if we are to experience the sweet wellspring of love in our hearts that makes us truly human.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Parenting our Creative Work
Learning to Love, Just a Little Bit, the Things that Bug Me
Step 1: Recall for one minute one to three TRIVIAL, EVERY DAY THINGS that get on your nerves, that you tolerate with gritted teeth, or that you complain about a lot but they still don’t change. Write them down.
Maybe even go so far as to ask: What valuable message might this thing have for me?
Write down a couple of points.
Step 3: Notice how you feeeeeel now when you look at or think about that thing. I'd be very surprised of you don't feel very different, much more lively and happy.
Do this exercise often!
Share what you discovered with a friend.