Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Serenity in Times of Uncertainty

Are you feeling anxious, even a bit panicky about the financial state of the world. See an excellent article here on the Sedona Method website to feel much better straight away. Here's a short extract:

Remember, anxiety, panic, stress and worry do nothing to support you in making the right decisions. Instead, the more you can make decisions from a place of inner calmness and mental clarity the more likely your decisions will be supportive of your overall financial goals and well-being and the safety and well-being of those around you and the planet as a whole.

The very best thing to do when you find yourself panicking is to allow yourself to welcome whatever you're feeling about the current world situation and about your current financial situation. Also allow yourself to welcome any wanting to change or control how you feel. As you do this you will find that the stress and tension of the moment will dissolve into a calm pool of certainty and inner strength.

“I released truckloads of fear and wanting survival because of the possible meltdown of the world’s financial system.”
Norm Hall

Welcoming the feelings may seem counterintuitive, but it’s a necessary step in the process of letting go. As you’ll learn when you delve deeper into letting go with The Sedona Method, the more you resist a feeling, the stronger its hold on you becomes. When you welcome a feeling, however, the resistance fades away while your ability to let the feeling go gets stronger. Simply welcoming a feeling fully can often allow it to dissolve completely.

“The company I work for has announced plans for a layoff that we expect next week. No one really knows where the cuts will be and all are worried. I have never been good at being cut, so I used the method to release on the fear and anxiety that I am experiencing and I got a whole lot more than I thought I would.

First, I released victim mentality, also, it's a job, it's not me. In the past I felt I was the job. The Sedona Method has changed the outcome and outlook of my entire life. I feel so validated and free. I know that I am, and nothing can take that away without me willing it so.”
Mike Gallemore

After welcoming the feeling, ask yourself in this moment if you could simply let go. By allowing yourself to welcome what you feel and then letting it go, you will immediately feel relief. This will also bring you more access to your intuitive knowing-ness and the clarity of clear reason required for you to weather the storm.

“I came to The Sedona Method to find tools for living my life with greater freedom, ease and joy. My realization is that the freedom, ease and joy are already present. I only needed to remove the thoughts, feelings and emotions that were covering them up all this time.”
Paul Hathaway

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A releaser's experience received today!

"Releasing does work Alice – and I have to say that I have just spent the most peaceful school holidays in such a long while – the benefits of the Sedona Method are so subtle but definite and what I am finding is that the talk within is much more accepting, positive and gentle to my soul and general disposition."

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Inspiring Conference Talk Achieved through Releasing

My last blog post was about releasing my fear and being inspired to write a story. That story became the opening element of my talk at the Early Childhood Australia conference – and exactly hit the spot with the audience! It illustrated my presentation perfectly. Interestingly, I went through intense doubts about the story along the way. Some of the people I tried the story out with didn’t get it. I got a very unsure about whether the story was any good. I kept releasing and found an underlying faith that it would work. Then, once I was in the room with the audience of seventy child caregivers, the story came to life. I could feel their deep interest, and when I got to the punch line, many actually gasped!

After that day when the story 'arrived', a stream of daily inspirations ‘landed’ in the mornings just after waking. Each day I would wake with some fear and dread present, another layer of my limiting beliefs about the forthcoming conference presentation having surfaced. Each morning I welcomed the arising of those fears and let them go. After releasing the emotion, a "downloading" of inspirations would generally follow, addressing the very area I had been stressed about. Then I would find myself getting up and energetically springing into the day. Every time the idea would work out.

This was such a magical process - except that it felt very normal! It felt how life is meant to work. The truth is, the answers we need are simply there, as long as I let go of the emotions that block them. I found myself genuinely welcoming the uncomfortable emotions that were triggered, by fearful thoughts that I didn't know how to do something.

I have found the key is to truly see the uncomfortable emotions that are triggered as a good sign! It gets easier and easier to do this as each release of emotion leads to a next step that works out. You can’t pretend! It’s no use simulating welcoming the emotion – the subconscious sees through all pretense. When you actually welcome the emotion, the release follows and the inner wisdom becomes available.

By releasing and then listening to these early morning inspirations, I easily asked for help from many people with just the skills I needed and they all said yes with such generosity. In fact in some cases they offered their help spontaneously.

The success of the story, the way the message of the whole talk resonated, the people I attracted, have given me even more trust in the inspirations that I received when I released my limiting emotions.

From having been the ultimate lone ranger, wanting to work in a team but not knowing how to achieve it, I found myself with a wonderful team of people supporting this venture, all contributing their high level skills with graciousness and enthusiasm. It was extraordinary how it all just flowed!

This is just a brief overview of the power of releasing throughout this conference adventure. I could write much more. (Read a fuller account here)

My purpose in telling you about this experience is to encourage you to release everything! Take in that you can welcome any emotion; that most uncomfortable feelings come from suppressed emotions from the past, triggered by current stimuli; that when we welcome feelings and release them, our true, wise inner nature is revealed and we receive inspiration and inner guidance.

Releasing our emotions, letting go of trying to control them, is the key to a wonderful flowing way of living.