Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Welcoming "Uncomfortableness" and Becoming Free

What I love about this work of coaching is the big shifts people make so naturally and easily, as they release the reactions that have held them back. It still astounds me that looking inside and releasing our reactions to things can have such a profound effect on our lives. But I no longer doubt that it does!

A client who was very stuck and fed up in her job her relationship and vision of the future is, a few months and sessions later, in a new job where she feels valued and energized, has renewed her relationship and is bouncing along happily in her life. This is what i wrote to her as she completed the coaching contract she had with me:

"Do go back and review your goals at the start, look at "then and now", see your gains and say WOW!

Remember that you can allow yourself to get stuck again, and you will get stuck again, if you just let the knee jerk reactions rule. You have cleared some of them away forever. That means there's a golden opportunity to welcome the next reactions that are triggered and let them go.

That's the key, notice the reactions that are coming up, WELCOME them; take your attention off the nasty person or thing that has brought this uncomfortableness into your life, thank that stimulus, whatever it is, for giving you the opportunity to release. Own the reaction as yours, not theirs, without blame. You aren't at fault for having it. It just is, and when it arises into consciousness, that's the gift, because NOW you're conscious of it, you can let it go and be free."

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