Thursday, March 5, 2009

Experience of Oneness Walking With Olivia and Harry (the dog)

This morning I did the Sedona process called Likes and Dislikes about humanity. I had realized that I was reacting a lot with aversion to the way that humans are, so thought this would be a good process to do.

A lot came up! I discovered how mixed my feelings are about humanity, how these attachments and aversions interfere with my serving humanity wholeheartedly. It seems that I have been still making up my mind about us as a species!

So, I did lots of releasing around this topic and then went to mind my grandchild Olivia for the day.

As i walked with Olivia and Harry the dog on that lovely afternoon, I was aware that the three of us walking together down a country lane looked idyllic, on the outside. I even sensed others passing by seeing us that way. Yet I was uncomfortable inside. Fear kept coming up for no apparent outer reason. I kept welcoming it and letting it go - and noticed I was subtly annoyed with myself for having the fear. I let that go a few times too. Then I noticed resistance arising to many things I saw - junk, litter, weeds and so on. I was very tuned into ugliness!

I kept releasing..... and something shifted. Suddenly I was able to welcome everything as it was in the moment, even the rubbish. I saw the rubbish as no different from the toys that Olivia litters the house with. Just as I can easily see beauty in her play and in the household disorder it creates, in that moment I could see beauty even in the rubbish and the weeds. In that instant I saw that beauty is everywhere, even in terrible circumstances. Beauty is in the way things are.
So many artists have shown us this and have opened our eyes to different forms of beauty. Often we use our concept of beauty to define other things as ugliness and to block out our seeing of them. When we open to what is, we can see the beauty in everything. I could see in that sublime moment that people who litter are simply where they are, having not yet grown into the understanding that order serves humanity; having not yet progressed to valuing serving humanity in that way. I was totally free of blame for anyone who littered, or who might have had the responsibility to teach others not to litter, and had not yet succeeded in that. I was completely steady and content in the truth that all these "not yet reached understandings" are simply that. My own and theirs – we have grown as far as we have, that’s all there is to it. It felt exquisite to be surrounded by unlimited forms of beauty, to be surrounded totally by beauty. I felt light and strong - and effortlessly picked up some litter!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Letting Go to Open Your Heart and Be in the Flow

I awoke feeling guilty this morning. Uncomfortable feelings rose up and stuck into me like pins. Pictures and thoughts about having not achieved what I wanted the previous day pricked me. Then my mind projected forward to the coming day’s plans and I felt another bunch of prickly feelings and thoughts jump into my awareness. Waves of feelings and thoughts crowded in like a barbed wire fence trapping me. My mind said: Yesterday I ‘indulged’, I was bad, I didn’t do what I should have. Now today I said I’d help my friend catch her sheep for shearing. That seemed like a fun idea. Now I don’t feel like I have time. Helping someone else feels tricky. I’m not sure I can afford the time now. Yesterday I stayed out later than expected and I left Mary at home alone too and she probably felt neglected. That was selfish! Today I could take Mary with me and give her a treat, but that would spoil my outing helping my friend which I had been looking forward to. I don’t know what to do! I don’t want to have to work this out! Ouch! It was horrible. All these sharp feelings of guilt and shoulds were prickling me!

So what did my mind do? It fell back on its old habit of protection – it justified. I caught my mind saying “I needed my space last night, I shouldn’t have to spoil today’s outing by taking Mary along just because I needed my space yesterday should I? I’ll help my friend. I have to do that , and I want to. She’ll be all right. Mary doesn’t mind. Bit by bit my mind used excuses to shove down the guilt and shame feelings and I felt “better”, sort of, as I started trudging effortfully towards the day’s agreed event, pretending that I was looking forward to it, with no real enthusiasm.

Then I remembered! I could release the feelings! I could let them go! Immediately I did some releases, just allowing the feelings to be there and letting them go. I dug a little deeper and found that wanting approval was underneath the feelings, and I let that go too. I did this a few times then forgot about it and got on with preparing for the day. A few minutes later a wave of open-hearted feeling suddenly arose in me, complete with a clear image of taking Mary on the outing and enjoying it thoroughly. In one moment, one delicious, complete flash of love and joy, I saw, felt and thought the rightness and perfection of taking Mary along and giving her pleasure, and knew that to be with her would be just as much of a pleasure to me. I felt light and happy and I looked forward with enthusiasm to the day ahead.

Reflections on this heart opening experience

As I reflected back I realised that immediately after releasing I had become clear about the day. I had started to prepare easily, with conviction, without even thinking about it. Then the instantaneous picture of being out with Mary, as I helped my friend, just ‘arrived’ and told me a host of truths in one moment. I knew in that moment not only what to do and that I would enjoy the day, but that I would also benefit the work I had believed that I had neglected the day before. My open heart told me in a flash that all things would be served by my taking Mary with me and being wholeheartedly with her, as I helped my friend.

In essence I re-discovered the immense and awesome power of releasing.

It’s really very simple. Releasing opens your heart, and with an open heart our action flows effortlessly, and serves the good of all.

I am so grateful to have this simple and powerful method in my life and to be able to share it with you.